Press-Release :- 20th June 1997.
Mayflower fm teams up with Tesco
Mayflower fm’s ‘‘Summer of Awareness’’ campaign continues to
gather momentum.
Having already entertained the shoppers at the Eastgate Centre in
Basildon, Chappel High in Brentwood and Billericay Town Centre
they will now be appearing in-store at the Tesco superstore at the
aptly named Mayflower retail park, Basildon on Saturday 28th June.
Mayflower fm is teaming up with the local Tesco superstore to raise
money for The Hayden Appeal. There will be a tombola, free give-
aways, balloons and the usual mix of fun and games for all the
Mayflower fm’s promotions director Val Brooks said ‘‘This event is
yet another example of how businesses in our area have taken the
concept of Mayflower fm as a truly local community radio station to
heart.We can provide businesses with much needed promotion and
advertising whilst entertaining and informing the local community.
The added bonus is that we can raise money for good causes and have
fun at the same time’’.
Anyone interested in supporting the Mayflower FM Roadshows
should write to :- Val Brooks
at 126a High Street, Billericay Essex. CM12 9DF
or E-Mail :-
(Mayflower FM - 20th June 1997 )
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